Friday, September 5, 2008

Advent and Christmas decorations


Anonymous said...

Ogladam i ogladam, dech mi zapiera. Juz nawet poczulam zapach swiat;) Z czego jest zrobiona choinka? Wyglada przepieknie.

miauka vel florist said...

siatka budowlana, papier i wosk :) a reszta to tajemnica :):)

dziekuje :)

Anonymous said...

Zatem tajemnic nie zdradzaj. A na wykorzystanie siatki budowlanej do dekoracji przyznam, ze w zyciu bym nie wpadla. Zreszta w moich rekach wygladaloby to wszystko jak "dom w budowie" a nie ozdona swiateczna.

Takietampichcenie said...

cudowne dekoracje , jest na czym "oko" zawiesić :) piękne , faktycznie aż zapachniało :)) Madziu moje gratulacje :)makusia

Krystyna Banaczkowska said...

Wszystko mi się podoba. Piękne, cudowne i naj, naj, naj. Jak już pisałam na WŻ - zazdroszczę talentu.

Bea said...

Swietne dekoracje! Rowniez gratuluje talentu i zdolnosci manualnych :)
Ja co roku kupuje wieniec adwentowy w stylu tego z ostatniego zdjecia, czesto w czerwonej tonacji. Tak, tak, kupuje, gdyz zdolnosci manualnych u mnie niewiele ;)


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Mary Shane said...
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Rakhi Worldwide said...

Bring the sunshine of festivity to your siblings this Raksha Bandhan with gift items that will enchant the vintage appeal of the immortal relation you have been sharing with them. Your Rakhi threads symbolize the eternal togetherness; your Rakhi Puja thalis mark your best wishes for rest of their lives. This festival is something that will make your presence felt among siblings forever. Visit for more details.

Anonymous said...

Flowers drive your emotions straight to the hearts of your loved acquaintances. Its colors project the liveliness of the sweet relations, its fragrances make you recall the great time you spent together. Flowers are, in short, a miniature of your inner traits that you always wished to let your loved ones know. Visit for more information.

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Flowerstousa said...

Keep up the good work. Best of luck. From said...

Accessorize your personal and seasonal events with marvelous gifts. Your relations are the indispensables to your life, and gifts pay tribute to their contributions. Visit today.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Joydip Ghosh said...

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Flowerstousa said...

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Anonymous said...

When your feeling and emotions are unuttered, gifts speak on behalf of you to convey your feelings. Valentine’s day is nearing, and it is high time to spice up your relationship with treasured gifts. For details visit

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Toys give your kids a quality time. Toys are related with the world of imagination that you kid has. Not that, toy are for fun purpose always, games and puzzles are responsible for the mental growth phase for the kids as well. Visit for more details.

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RightGifts5 said...

When your feeling and emotions are unuttered, gifts speak on behalf of you to convey your feelings. Valentine’s day is nearing, and it is high time to spice up your relationship with treasured gifts. For details visit

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Best of luck. From

RightGfts1 said...

When your feeling and emotions are unuttered, gifts speak on behalf of you to convey your feelings. Valentine’s day is nearing, and it is high time to spice up your relationship with treasured gifts. For details visit

Anonymous said...

Flowers are the true messengers not just for your hearts, but for the concerned appeal and theme of the festival as well. A simple flower can bring the million-watt smile to your loved persons, because flowers are always associated with something very special. Items like confectionaries, foodstuffs, and non-perishables are the ideal companions for flowers, when it’s about forming the ideal gift package. Visit to have them all at one click. said...

Gifts make both you and your loved one relish the sweetest memories of togetherness. Gifts are the guides to take both of you to the down memory lane, and in no time, you start feeling like being together. Visit for more details.

subhasree halder said...

Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From

Florist Singapore said...

Your flowers book a permanent sit inside the hearts of your loved ones. Day by day, the flower may lose its color and fragrance, but the emotion behind it never fades away. Flowers are like angels, they make you realize that life is all about different colors, and flag the colorful versatility of life itself. Visit for details.

Anonymous said...

Celebrations and events bring you the opportunity not just to discover the meaning of relations in your life. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to accessorize the relations as well. And surely flowers are the ones you can bank on blindfolded regarding this. Visit for more.

Sunita Ghosh said...

Resulting the perfect celebration is on the cards, and flowers just add extra bit of colorfulness onto that. Indeed, it’s the creation from nature that compliments the priceless emotions that a heart hosts. In the form of mind blowing floral stuffs and other gifts, really has dome something incredible. The link at gives full details.

Flowerstousa said...

Keep up the good work. Best of luck. From

Anonymous said...

Your loved ones bring you the meaning of life to you, and they are the reason for your liveliness. Immaterial of the situation, you have always found them by your side. Visit to reciprocate their contribution.

HampersNationWide(China) said...

All on a sudden the ambience of your loved ones turn beautiful like never before, because you have conveyed your presence to them. Gifts symbolize your affection and passion for them, and they heartwarmingly recall you yet again. Visit for more details.

Anonymous said...

Gear up to celebrate your favorite events and festivals in India, and huge collections of out of the box and unique gift items are awaiting you.. For details, visit

Gargi Bose said...

Flowers and floral crafts script your core feelings you have for your loved relations. Gifts with flowers, are the small steps that gradually diminish the distance between two hearts. Gifts are something that makes both the giver and recipient recall the unforgettable moments spent together. Gifts are special for being special. Visit for details.

subhasree halder said...

The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From

Basudev Swain said...

Bring the sunshine of festivity to your siblings this Raksha Bandhan with gift items that will enchant the vintage appeal of the immortal relation you have been sharing with them. Your Rakhi threads symbolize the eternal togetherness; your Rakhi Puja thalis mark your best wishes for rest of their lives. This festival is something that will make your presence felt among siblings forever. Visit for more details. said...

It’s your gifts that drive your loving siblings happy instantly. Just the way your mutual presence is priceless to each other, so does the gifts. And why not? Your gift showcases the inner side of yours, to those whom you love with utmost affection. Rakshabandhan is the special day for both of you and your siblings. Your trip to flaunts the ideal ways to greet them.

rightcakes said...

Cakes are blessed with the rare qualities that can lift teh tempo of any celebration. From kids to the adults, even the sugar concious ones can throw their restrictions away, the moment the cream rich cakes reach the customizes the delicacy further, and the link at provides the details.

subhasree halder said...

Very Good website. I like the contents. From

HampersNationWide(China) said...

Gifts are the express highways to the hearts of your close relations. Gifts let your loved relations, like your siblings; feel special on the special occasion for them called Rakshabandhan. Gifts are the ones that you will never be tiered of buying. Visit today and surprise your near and dear ones.

Flowerstousa said...

Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From

HampersNationWide(China) said...

The relationship between a brother and sister is perhaps the only relation next to parents that expects nothing materialistic from the relationship. A look inside the visitor find the perfect gift for this sacred event.

Anonymous said...

Something that you place becomes your own statement, and surely this is the one that everyone will be following. The magical spray makes the world dance around you, and most importantly, act as the true indicator of your mood. From

floristmumbai said...

A gift from you, no matter how big or small, brings a world of sunshine to your loved ones in Mumbai. You make them treasured and the inherent happiness you contribute to their lives rephrases the meaning of the relations. Visit for details.

Ishika Roy said...

Now it is possible to deliver wishes along with flowers to different corners of Mumbai in the same day along with the smooth and fast delivery services as offered to the customers through a special online store named

shopping said...

Resulting the perfect celebration is on the cards, and flowers just add extra bit of colorfulness onto that. Indeed, it’s the creation from nature that compliments the priceless emotions that a heart hosts. In the form of mind blowing floral stuffs and other gifts, really has dome something incredible. The link at gives full details.

Ishika Roy said...

Visit to this site will fill your heart with joy and happiness. This site contains impressive floral bouquets spreading floral charm.

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Show your dear ones that how special they are for you. Display off your emotions along with the colorful shades of flowers that will make a perfect match with every occasion. You can send these bouquets even without any occasion. Send Flowers to Noida as you simply need to pay a visit to

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